Cambridge Creates Anthology Volume 2 in the pipeline?

I have heard on the air and at the pricking of my thumbs and in the voices of my head that Shakey Navel-Bones is contemplating a reprise of the splendid Cambridge Creates Anthology. A second volume, in fact.

So, just to pique your interest again, or to engender envy if you failed to get a copy last time round…is a reprise of my previously unpublished review of Cambridge Creates Anthology from 2011

Cambridge Creates Anthology
A compilation & celebration of art within our community.

There are 78 individual contributions listed in the contents to this stylish new anthology of contemporary Cambridge art and writing. The striking and intriguing cover design halts the attention, like an unfamiliar logo, and draws the reader in. My first impression was of abundance, where to begin, no obvious path in. I scanned the contents and found a name I recognised – Jonny Wrong and started in from there, taking in Sadie Few, Nicky Smith, Trishna Shah, Bella Basura and ‘Anonymous’, amongst others, along the way…more